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Summary - Animal Control Ordinances

Summary Unalaska City Ordinance - Animal Control

Dog License - All dogs over 6 months of age must wear a dog tag at all times except when confined on their premises.  Dog tags cost $5.00 and must be renewed annually through the Police Department.

Nuisance - An animal is deemed a nuisance when displaying frequent or prolonged noises, digging on property other than owners, and /or menacing behavior outside its property.

Tag and Collar – All dogs shall wear and display license tags except when confined to the owner’s residence.

Rabies - Any dog over 6 months of age must be immunized for rabies. 

Dog Bite – Any dog that bites and breaks skin must be quarantined for 10 days.  No person shall kill a rabid animal, and the Unalaska Police Department shall direct all matters related to the animal. 

Vicious Dog - A dog that unprovoked bites or attempts to bite a person or another animal.  Attempting to bite shall be determined as when a restraint or fence is the only means by which the animal is kept from biting. 

At Large (Loose) - Any dog that is off the owner's property and not under the direct control of a competent person.

Wild Game - Any dog that is chasing, harassing or otherwise disturbing or injuring wild game may be impounded by an officer.

More information can be found in Title 12 of the Unalaska Code of Ordinances.