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City Council

Unalaska is a First Class City established in 1942, and has a Council / City Manager form of government.  The city is not part of an organized borough.

The elected Mayor and City Council are responsible for the legislative functions of the City, developing overall vision, establishing policy, passing local ordinances and voting on budget appropriations. 

The City Council employs a professional City Manager who has broad authority to oversee the day to day operations of the municipality, implement City Council policies, enforce the Code of Ordinances, oversee capital projects, manage the annual budget, and advise the Mayor and City Council on long term planning. 

Regular meetings of the Unalaska City Council are held at 6:00 p.m., on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, in Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 43 Raven Way, Unalaska, Alaska.  Please contact the City Clerk's Office for more information at (907) 581-1251 or by email to City Clerk Estkarlen Magdaong at  [email protected] 

Our elected officials and their terms of office are:

Seat Term Expires
City Council Seat A, Mayor - Vincent M. Tutiakoff, Sr. October 2025
City Council Seat B - Thomas D. Bell October 2026
City Council Seat C - Darin Nicholson October 2025
City Council Seat D - Daneen Looby  October 2025
City Council Seat E - Anthony Longo October 2026
City Council Seat F - Alejandro "Bong" Tungul October 2027
City Council Seat G - Shari Coleman October 2027