Unalaska Police Department Contact Information

The Old Guard

For Emergencies Dial 911

Telephone: (907) 581-1233

eMail: [email protected]

Unalaska Police Department 
29 Safety Way
P. O. Box 370
Unalaska, AK 99685


Position Email Phone Fax
Chapman, Curran Acting Police Sergeant Email (907) 581-1233
Hankins, Kim Chief of Police Email (907) 581-1233
Hester, Rodnie DMV Email (907) 581-1233
Malaki, Tau Acting Police Sergeant Email (907) 581-1233
Marquez, Ruth Office Manager Email (907) 581-1233
Simms, Bill Deputy Chief of Police Email (907) 359-4000
Atonio, Carol Police Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Batten, Lindy Corrections Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Bliss, Patrick Police Sergeant Email 907-581-1233
Boyter, Angela Communications Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Govea, Julian Police Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Gurney, Peter Communications Sergeant Email (907) 581 1233
Hilling, Britney Police Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Mose, Trisha Corrections Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Peters, Sean Animal Control Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Positon Vacant Police Officer (907) 581-1233
Rigsby, Martin Police Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Sabater, Victor Communications Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Schasteen, Paige Communications Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Simpelo, Paola Corrections Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Smith, Mountain Communications Officer Email (907) 581 1233
Warden, John Corrections Sergeant Email (907) 581 1233