Parks, Culture and Recreation Contact Information

PCR - Parks, Culture & Recreation
37 S. 5th Street
Unalaska, AK 99685

Facsimile: (907) 581-2989
Telephone:  (907) 581-1297

Community Center Hours:
Monday- Friday 6am-10pm
Saturday 8am-10pm
Sunday Noon-7pm


Position Email Phone Fax
Berikoff, Alex Head Lifeguard Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Blakeley, Roger Director of PCR Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Burnham, Albert Recreation Manager Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Enele, Mariatala Recreation Assistant Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Franklin, Alia Recreation Program Coordinator Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Longo, Jolene Business and Operations Manager Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Mahoney, Sydney Recreation Program Coordinator Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Position Vacant Recreation Program Coordinator (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Schmahl, Amanda Aquatics Manager Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Cureg, Eduardo Recreation Assistant Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Kresh, Karen City Librarian Email (907) 581-5060 (907) 581-5266
Le, Amber Recreation Program Coordinator - Aquatics Email (907) 581-1297 (907) 581-2989
Sevilla, Rose Recreation Assistant Email 907-581-1297 907-581-2989
Usi, Madel Recreation Assistant Email 907-581-1297 907-581-2989