Unalaska's Mayor Honored with Award

Unalaska's Mayor Shirley Marquardt

Unalaska, Alaska – November 24, 2015.  The City of Unalaska is pleased to announce that the City’s Mayor, Shirley Marquardt, is the recipient of Alaska Municipal League’s 2015 VIC FISCHER LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP AWARD.  Local government officials nominated for this award must show a significant statewide contribution to improving local government and communities in Unalaska.  Ms. Marquardt was nominated in early October 2015 by Unalaska’s City Manager and City Council, and the nomination read as follows: 

Shirley Marquardt has been the energetic and accomplished Mayor of the City of Unalaska for 11 years, following 10 years as a City Council member.  In total, Shirley has served the City of Unalaska as an elected official for 21 years.

“Mayor Shirley” has presided in a City Government that supports its residents’ desire to prosper in an authentic, hardworking Alaska City. She is proud and protective of Unalaska’s renown as the largest fishing port in the United States and is a trusted advocate throughout the State on issues related to local government and vital maritime industries of Alaskan coastal cities.

Mayor Marquardt recognizes that the geographic and environmental qualities that led to the economic success of Unalaska have Statewide and strategic value beyond the Aleutian Islands, and she works faithfully to advance understanding of the importance of the Aleutian region and local government throughout the State, the Nation and the world. The Mayor’s informed and plain-spoken approach to issues related to the Arctic seas has attracted the attention of leaders in other circumpolar nations, who have invited her to share her ideas about Arctic development and its effect on communities as a panelist at multi-nation conferences.

Shirley’s work has not gone unnoticed.  The Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force awarded Shirley their 2008 LEGACY AWARD for her work on the Aleutian Emergency Towing System, an innovative risk reduction measure for vessels operating in the Aleutian Islands.  In 2011, the United States Coast Guard Commandant awarded Shirley their MERITORIOUS PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD for her outstanding dedication and support.

Shirley is a Past President of the Alaska Municipal League, the Alaska Conference of Mayors and the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference.  She was appointed by three successive Governors to the Marine Transportation Advisory Board, and appointed by the Governor, Coast Guard and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to represent the interests of local government on the Aleutian Islands Risk Assessment Advisory Panel.

Shirley also served on Transition Teams for both Governor Parnell and Governor Walker where she protected the interests and promoted the value of local government throughout the State of Alaska.

Although the Mayor presents an enlightened perspective of the importance of the Aleutian region and local government to the State and the greater world, she is still first, last and always most devoted to the direct needs of the people of her City; she is truly an exemplary “People’s Mayor”.

Whether she is advancing Unalaska as an international Port of Refuge for disabled vessels, advocating on behalf of senior citizens as their Board President, or for children by supporting adequate funding for local schools, or officiating at a naturalization ceremony for new citizens, nothing brightens the Mayor’s countenance more than to help a striving individual achieve a positive difference in their life, as she has done on many occasions.

We are proud and honored to nominate Mayor Shirley Marquardt of Unalaska, Alaska as the recipient of the Alaska Municipal League’s 2015 Vic Fischer Local Government Leadership Award.  

Ms. Marquardt was presented the award at Awards Banquet on Thursday, November 19, 2015, held in conjunction with AML’s Local Government Conference