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Did you know that the waters around Unalaska Island are one of the few places in the world to find the rare Whiskered Auklet?
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That Unalaska’s Port of Dutch Harbor is the #1 Commercial Fishing Port in the United States, based on quantity of the catch and has been for more than 25 years?
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Ordinances 2022
The following are the Ordinances adopted by the Unalaska City Council during calendar year 2022. The Ordinances, along with supporting documents, are attached at the bottom of the page.
Number |
Date |
Title |
Code/Non-Code |
2022-01 |
01/25/2022 |
Creating Budget Amendment #3 to the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget, accepting an ARPA Easy Grant for Libraries award in the amount of $6,000 from the Alaska State Library; increasing the Electric Utility Fund budget in the amount of $3,000,000 due to increased diesel fuel costs; and returning a portion of project costs to the original funding sources for selected capital projects |
Non-Code |
2022-02 |
02/08/2022 |
Amending Title 6.40 of the Unalaska Code of Ordinance to provide a limited exemption from sales tax to federally recognized tribes |
Code |
2022-03 |
02/22/2022 |
Amending Chapter 6.32, Assessment of Property Taxes, to provide a method of determining the assessed value of property that qualifies for low-income housing tax credit under 26 USC 42; and amending Chapter 6.32.110 to provide additional time for the City Council to certify the tax roll |
Code |
2022-04 |
There is no Ordinance 2022-04; defeated on first reading. |
2022-05 |
There is no Ordinance 2022-05; defeated on first reading. |
2022-06 |
05/10/2022 |
Creating Budget Amendment #4 to the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget, recognizing ARPA Grant Revenue of |
Non-Code |
2022-07 |
06/14/2022 |
Creating Budget Amendment #5 to the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget, Appropriating $100,000 from the General Fund for an Elementary School Heating System Repairs Project, and increasing the Port Operating Budget by $230,000 for Electricity at Harbor Facilities |
Non-Code |
2022-08 |
06/28/2022 |
Adoption of a Fee Schedule Specifying the Fees and Charges for Services, Labor and Equipment provided by the City of Unalaska, effective July 1, 2022 |
Non-Code |
2022-09 |
06/28/2022 |
Amending the Port of Dutch Harbor / Unalaska Marine Center Terminal Tariff |
Non-Code |
2022-10 |
06/28/2022 |
Adopting the Fiscal Year 2023 Operating and Capital Budget for the City of Unalaska |
Non-Code |
2022-11 |
06/28/2022 |
Rezoning Lot 1, Block 3, USS 1992 from General Commercial to Moderate Density Residential |
Non-Code |
2022-12 |
08/09/2022 |
Approving Zoning Amendment from Holding Zone to Marine Dependent / Industrial on Lot 2, USS 8449 (LFS Captains Bay) |
Non-Code |
2022-13 |
08/09/2022 |
Approving Zoning Amendment from Unzoned Tidelands to Developable Tidelands District for 1.156 acres adjacent to Tract A, ATS 1360 Tideland Area |
Non-Code |
2022-14 |
08/09/2022 |
Creating Budget Amendment #1 to the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, appropriating $647,220 from the General Fund for an increase to the Public Library Improvement Project |
Non-Code |
2022-15 |
08/09/2022 |
Authorizing the City Manager to dispose of personal property, specifically a 1997 Pierce Saber Aerial Apparatus, to an Alaskan Municipality Corporation or agency thereof |
Non-Code |
2022-16 |
10/11/2022 |
Amending section 2.20.075 of Unalaska Code of Ordinances removing prohibition of Council Members participating in executive session by telephone and adding participation in meetings by other electronic means |
Non-Code |
2022-17 |
10/11/2022 |
Creating Budget Amendment #2 to the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget to (1) increase wages, fringe benefits and associated State of Alaska PERS Contributions for IUOE Local 302 Union Employees covering increased wage scales, longevity bonuses and education incentives for three collective Bargaining Unit Agreements; (2) Recognizing local support revenue of $10,834 from APIA in the General Fund and increasing the PCR Operating Budget by $10,834 for the Senior Exercise Program; (3) Increasing Mayor and Council Budget by $75,000 to fully fund two community fireworks shows; (4) Appropriating an additional $252,154 from the Electric Proprietary Fund for the Generator Sets Rebuild Project; and (5) Appropriating an additional $526,447 from the Water Proprietary Fund for the Pyramid Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Upgrade Project |
Non-Code |
2022-18 |
11/10/2022 |
An Ordinance of the Unalaska City Council amending Unalaska Municipal Code Title 17 by adopting portions of the 2018 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, the 2020 Edition of the National Electrical Code and the 2021 Edition of the International Residential Code |
Code |
2022-19 |
12/27/2022 |
An Ordinance of the Unalaska City Council Amending Title 3, personnel, to add a longevity bonus, make the executives eligible for the longevity bonus, provide latitude to the City Manager to hire above the midpoint of the wage range, and to increase moving expenses available to new employees. |
Code |
2022-20 |
12/27/2022 |
An Ordinance of the Unalaska City Council creating Budget Amendment #3 to the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget to fund increases in wages, fringe benefits and associated State of Alaska PERS contributions for unrepresented employees. |
Non-Code |
2022-21 |
11/22/2022 |
An Ordinance of the Unalaska City Council Retaining Certain Tax Foreclosed Property for a Public Purpose. |
Non-Code |
2022-22 |
1/10/2023 |
Creating Budget Amendment #3 to the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, Increasing the Administration Budget by $100,000 for a Compensation and Classification Study; Increasing the Ports Budget by $27,000 for a Site Survey for UMC Positions 5-7; Accepting $400,000 from the Rasmuson Foundation and Increasing the Library Improvement Project by $400,000; Appropriating $450,000 from the General Fund for a Public Safety Records Management System; Accepting $386,400 from the Denali Commission and Increasing the Water Fund Transfers to Capital Projects by $12,246 for matching funds and increasing the Captains Bay Road Waterline Project by $398,646; Increasing the Water Fund Operating Budget for Transfers to Capital Projects and the Project Budget for the Pyramid Water Treatment Plant inline Microturbines by $105,000. |
Non-Code |