City Council Meeting - August 25, 2020

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 6:00pm

Due to recommended social distancing measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 and the City Manager’s Emergency Order suspending the provisions of UCO § 2.20.075, this meeting will be conducted via telephone conference and online with the ZOOM platform. A limited number of Council Members and City Staff will be in attendance. In order to provide for social distancing, we can accommodate eight (8) additional persons at the meeting. Seating is on a “first come-first served” basis. Coverings over nose and mouth are required to be worn upon entering the building and until seated; and again when exiting.



  • Attend in person, limited seating to allow for social distancing

  • Listen to the meeting on KUCB TV Channel 8 or Radio Station 89.7

  • Join online via ZOOM (link, meeting ID & password below); notify Clerk if you wish to speak

  • Join by phone (toll free numbers, meeting ID & password below); notify Clerk if you wish to speak

  • Email comments, testimony or questions to the City Clerk ([email protected]) no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, to be read into the record by the clerk



Meeting ID: 354 725 1432 / Passcode: 8675309



TOLL FREE (833) 548-0276; or (833) 548-0282; or (877) 853-5247; or (888) 788-0099

Meeting ID: 354 725 1432 / Passcode: 8675309

