Request for Qualifications: Alternative Solid Waste Management System Feasibility Study

Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Monday, April 21, 2025 - 2:00pm

Bid/RFP Status: 
Open - accepting bids and proposals


The City of Unalaska Department of Public Utilities is requesting statements of qualifications and 
proposals from qualified firms experienced in solid waste management to conduct a comprehensive study 
on alternative solid waste management systems, with a specific focus on gasification technologies, as 
recommended on the 2017 Solid Waste Master Plan. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis 
of this recommendation, assess its feasibility, and confirm that gasification remains the optimal 

The City of Unalaska provides electric, water, wastewater and solid waste service (the “City Utilities”) to 
a population of approximately 4,500 year-round residents. The City’s population grows to 8,000 and then 
up to 12,000 during various fishing seasons. 

The solid waste division operates a 12,000 square foot facility, where solid waste is bailed and moved to 
the active cell. Additionally, the solid waste division operates a 1.6 MG leachate storage tank and 
processing facility. 

For additional information visit:
For the Department of Public Utilities’ operating budgets & fee schedule please visit: 
Budget Fiscal Year 2025 | City of Unalaska - International Port of Dutch HarboR


Sealed submissions clearly marked “Statement of Qualifications: Alternative Solid Waste Management 
Feasibility Study” must be submitted no later than April 21, 2025 2:00 PM local time to: 

City of Unalaska 
Office of the City Clerk 
43 Raven Way 
P.O. Box 610 
Unalaska, Alaska 99685-610 
Tel. 907-581-1251 
Fax. 907-581-1417 


[email protected]

Mail to and from the island is often inconsistent and unreliable. We recommend and encourage applicants 
to use email submissions if possible. An electronic copy of the RFQ documents may be obtained from the 
City of Unalaska website:, for no charge. 

Questions regarding this RFQ should be directed to: 
Erik Hernandez, Acting Utilities Director, via email to [email protected] 
Marc Kielmeyer, Project Manager, via email to [email protected]

A pre-submittal conference will be held via MS Teams on March 21, 2025, 10:00 AM AKST 
Meeting ID: 256 510 786 273 
Passcode: Th3MX3GV 
 Dial-in by phone:  Number: 1-332-249-0602 
Conference ID: 639 336 633# 
Any submissions received after the time and date specified will not be considered.