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Rules & Policies

PCR's front desk staff

(Adopted May 3, 2005, edited Jan. 26, 2005 by PCR Adv. Com.)


Adult – Person 18 years of age and older, or out of school

Guardian – Legal guardian as described by the court

PCR – Parks, Culture and Recreation Department

Youth – Person in grades 1-6

Teen – Persons in grades 7-12


  1. All persons using the facility do so at their own risk.
  2. A waiver must be signed before participation in any Community Center activity, event, program, and before using Community Center equipment or facilities.
  3. The City and its agents are not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property occurring at the Community Center or at PCR sponsored events.
  4. The City and its agents are not responsible for injuries resulting from use of the Community Center, participation in any activity within the Community Center, and rental or use of any Community Center equipment, whether accidental or not.
  5. An ID is required for all equipment (racquets, towels, pool table equip., etc) check out.
  6. Only advertising and solicitations by non-profit agencies recognized by the City of Unalaska are allowed on properties and buildings managed by the PCR Department.
  7. Muddy, dirty, or shoes that are worn outside are not permitted in the facility. Scuff resistant indoor shoes are required for facility use at all times.
  8. Shoes and shirts are required at all times except when permitted by PCR staff.
  9. The following are prohibited within the Community Center:
    • Violent or aggressive behavior
    • Consumption of alcohol/drugs or any individual under the influence of alcohol/drugs
    • Smoking inside and within 50’ of the Community Center
    • Chewing tobacco
    • Controlled substances or illegal drugs
    • Foul, offensive or threatening language
    • Foul, loud, or offensive music
    • Public amorous affection
    • Weapons of any kind
    • Laser pointer
  10. In order to better serve the community, PCR reserves the right to cancel, change, or reschedule planned activities due to economic necessity, enrollment, weather, etc.
  11. Locker rentals over 30 days past due will be considered abandoned and will result in removal of the contents. Removed items will be held at the front desk for two weeks. If unclaimed after two weeks, the items will be discarded.
  12. Upon entering the Community Center, patrons consent to monitoring through the use of video surveillance cameras.
  13. Gym use is exclusive for the group scheduled. For example, teens may not use the gym during adult gym time and visa versa; however, if after 15 minutes the scheduled group does not show up, they forfeit their time and the other group may use the gym.
  14. Patrons who damage any PCR equipment or the Community Center will be asked to reimburse the City of Unalaska for damages.
  15. No food or drink allowed in the gym, except bottled water.
  16. Community Center staff reserve the right to revoke or suspend user privileges for violations of these use policies, or as deemed necessary.


  1. Parents or adult guardians are required to maintain direct supervision or be in control of their under school age children at all times.
  2. Children over the age of six (6) years may not enter locker rooms of the opposite sex.
  3. School age children are required to have a Teen or Youth ID to check out equipment.


  1. Children under 12 are allowed on the track only when accompanied by a parent or guardian and when they are engaged in fitness activities.
  2. Slower traffic should always use the inside lane. Please announce when passing.
  3. Food or drink is not allowed on the track, except bottled water.
  4. Viewing of gym events from the track is not allowed.
  5. Muddy, dirty, or shoes that are worn outside are not permitted on the track. Scuff resistant indoor shoes are required for track use.


  1. Children under 10 are not allowed in the cardio or Cybex rooms.
  2. Children ages 10-12 are allowed in the cardio and Cybex rooms only when accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. Children must be involved in fitness activities.
  3. Patrons age 13-15 are allowed unrestricted use of the cardio & Cybex rooms after receiving an orientation in proper use of cardio & Cybex equipment by Community Center staff.
  4. Patrons age 16 and over are allowed unrestricted use of the cardio & Cybex rooms only when engaged in fitness activities.
  5. Horseplay, loitering, unsafe lifting and flagrant disrespect will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension of privileges.
  6. Patron is responsible for disinfecting equipment after each usage.
  7. Excessively foul, loud, offensive, or violent music is not allowed in the cardio or Cybex rooms.
  8. Muddy, dirty, or shoes that are worn outside are not permitted in the cardio and Cybex rooms. Scuff resistant indoor shoes are required for use.


  1. Due to insurance regulations, only persons 16 and over are allowed in the free weight room.
  2. Horseplay, loitering, unsafe lifting and flagrant disrespect will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension of privileges.
  3. Patron is responsible for disinfecting and replacing equipment after each usage.
  4. Excessively foul, loud, offensive, or violent music is not allowed in the free weight room.
  5. Muddy, dirty, or shoes that are worn outside are not permitted in the free weight room. Scuff resistant indoor shoes are required for weight room use.


  1. Patrons under age 12 are allowed in the racquetball courts only with direct, individual supervision by a parent of guardian.
  2. Patrons age 12 and over are allowed unrestricted use of the racquetball courts while playing racquetball.
  3. Eye protection must be worn at all times while playing racquetball.
  4. Muddy, dirty, or shoes that are worn outside are not permitted in the racquetball courts. Scuff resistant indoor shoes are required for racquetball court use.