City Council Meeting - February 9, 2021

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - 6:00pm

Due to recommended social distancing measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, this City Council meeting will be held in Council Chambers, with participation offered by telephone and online with the ZOOM platform. A limited number of Council Members and City Staff will attend in person. Seating for members of the public is reduced to allow for social distancing (first come; first seated). Coverings over the nose and mouth are required to be worn when entering City Hall until seated, and again when exiting.


  • Attend in person
  • Listen on KUCB TV Channel 8 or Radio Station 89.7
  • Participate online via ZOOM (link, meeting ID & password below)
  • Participate by telephone (toll and toll free numbers, meeting ID & password below)
  • PUBLIC COMMENT may be provided in person; by telephone; online; and in writing
    • Telephone or online: please notify the City Clerk if you wish to provide public comment
    • Written comments may be provided to be read by the Clerk during the meeting; written comments must be received an hour before the meeting begins



Meeting ID: 852 0397 5430  /  Passcode: 977526


TELEPHONE: Meeting ID: 852 0397 5430  /  Passcode: 977526

Toll Free numbers: (833) 548-0276; or (833) 548-0282; or (877) 853-5247; or (888) 788-0099

Non Toll Free numbers: (253) 215-8782; or (346) 248-7799; or (669) 900-9128

